Tribute Pages

Remember a loved one with a tribute page. Donate in their honour and share your amazing memories of them.

Create a page

How it works

Raise money for Springhill Hospice and create a lasting memory of someone special with a tribute page. It’s easy to do, and you can share it with family and friends. Your tribute pages will help patients using the hospice facilities and keep our doors open for people who need it most.

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Search for Tribute Pages

Find your friend or family member’s page and remember them with a donation or message.

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Create your own Tribute Page

Honour the memory of someone special by creating a tribute page to celebrate their life.

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Collect donations in memory

Remember those you love with a donation in their memory.

It may take a few minutes  for your donation to appear on a tribute page.

How to get involved

You can support us in more way than one!

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