We understand that you will have many questions about what Hospice care means and how Springhill could help you.
Sharing a personal experience is a powerful way of raising awareness of Springhill’s work as well as dispelling some of the myths that surround Hospice care.
Here you can read some of our inspiring, real patient stories, kindly shared with us by patients and their loved ones and discover more about the many ways Springhill can help support your journey
“Felt like I could deal with my problems in a much calmer way.” July
“Gave me tools to cope and understand more.” August
“I felt like I was strong and ready to start thinking about a new life on my own. Helped me to understand I wasn’t responsible……. gave me tools to cope and to drag myself out of the dark place I went to.” August
“I was feeling lighter, I was smiling inside and outside.” September
"Feel loads better, having someone to talk to changed my mind-set.” October
“Really happy and well, very much better than from 1st time. Calmed me, thought more positively each day, what is right for my wellbeing.” November
“My counsellor helped me to understand how and why I felt the way I did. Also explained how to relax and Find Myself – and it was good to cry.” December
Check out the many inspiring stories from people who have a connection to us
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