Our amazing Support Groups raise funds through a range of events; bag packing, coffee mornings, bucket collections, raffles, tombola, carol concerts, quiz nights, helping at our fairs … the list goes on.
Are you a member of a group that meets regularly and would like to get involved with fundraising for Springhill Hospice? Bored of the usual quiz night meetings, meeting for a game of golf getting a bit dull, especially when it rains. Would your group of friends relish a challenge? Join together for something much more rewarding.
Support groups aren’t just for grown-ups. Schools, cubs, scouts, guides, brownies, junior football and rugby clubs can help us to. Give your child a sense of achievement for a local cause.
If you'd like advice on how to start a group or how to start fundraising with your group, get in touch with Fundraising by emailing fundraising@springhill.org.uk or calling 01706 641790 (opt 1).
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