Environmental Policy


Springhill Hospice is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

We recognise that our activities may have some negative environmental effects and we wish to take steps to minimise these.

Technology & electricity

  • We will encourage our staff and Hospice partners to be aware of the needs to switch off equipment when not in use (e.g. not to leave items on standby overnight, to switch off and unplug chargers)
  • In our offices, we will turn off all our equipment and lights plus turning our heating down when no one is using those areas and in particular at the end of the day

Waste & Re-cycling

  •  We will minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
  • We will actively promote re-cycling
  • We will use authorised contractors for the removal of Clinical & General waste
  • We will only input the necessary and required information


  • We will reduce water used within the grounds, by using rainwater collected in water butts for gardening purposes

Springhill Hospice 

  • Will comply with all relevant environment legislation
  • Ensure that staff recognise that consideration of the environment is integral to its work activities and that each staff member has a personal responsibility to maintain high standards of environmental care.  This will be done through our staff PDR process
  • Our Corporate Services Manager and Inpatient Unit Manager have overall responsibility

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