Complaints policy

This page details our complaints procedure and who to contact if you have a complaint

We will, at all times, make every attempt to provide a service and environment that will prevent any need for a complaint being made. However, sometimes we don’t get this right. We welcome the comments, suggestions and complaints of our patients, their loved ones, staff and volunteers as this helps us to maintain, develop and improve our standards of care. 

If you raise a concern this will not affect your, or your loved ones care in any way. Any information you give will be treated in confidence and with sensitivity. Information about your complaint will be kept separate from any clinical records.

Our Complaints Procedure is designed to:

  • Be easy for patients, their loved ones and carers to use
  • Enable us to resolve complaints quickly
  • Allow us to be responsive to the findings and outcomes of any complaint so that actions are taken to prevent recurrence

If you have a concern or complaint:

In the event that you have a concern or complaint regarding any area of service within the Hospice we would ask you, in the first instance, to approach the person in charge of the clinical or service area. Any member of staff will be able to help you identify who this is.

Please tell them any complaint, or comments, and they will try to resolve your concerns that you have. It is hoped at this stage that any problem areas will be addressed immediately. If you would like to discuss your concerns further, please feel free to ask to speak to a more senior manager.

If you are not satisfied with the result, please telephone or write to the Chief Executive with your concerns which will then be dealt with as a formal complaint.

You can make a formal complaint by contacting:

Chief Executive
Springhill Hospice
 Broad Lane
 OL16 4PZ

Tel: 01706 649920 

What happens when I make a complaint?

  1. A written acknowledgement of your complaint will be sent to you within 48 hours of receiving it.
  2. We will investigate the issues you have raised thoroughly. 
  3. We aim to complete the investigation within two weeks, and a written response, explaining the results of the investigation and any action taken will be sent to you following this. In some instances, the investigation may take longer if the complaint is of a more complex nature, in this instance we will remain in contact with you during the process.       

What happens if I'm not satisfied with the outcome?

If you are not happy with our response and feel that we have not addressed your concerns, or that we have missed something you can write to Springhill’s Chair of Trustees.

If you are not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint and would like to take matters further, we have provided details below of organisations that will help with this. These organisations are independent bodies and the service they provide is free.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Tel: 0345 015 4033

The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
 National Correspondence
 Citygate, Gallowgate
 Newcastle upon Tyne
 NE1 4PA
Tel: 0300 061 6161

The CQC does not investigate the complaint, but will log the complaint on its system which may then guide future inspections.

How we monitor complaints:

When a complaint is made to Springhill Hospice, we will keep a confidential written file, which will include:

  1. Complainant’s name and address
  2. Details, including whether the complaint was written or verbal
  3. Location of complaint
  4. Date complaint received
  5. Date complaint investigation completed
  6. Result and any follow up action

All complaints are reported to the Hospice’s Governance Committee.

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